Illuminating key facilitators and challenges in health systems change

PDA's evaluation helped health systems describe facilitators and challenges in identifying tobacco users and connecting them to treatment.

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Contributing to statewide tobacco survey development and data analysis

PDA supported the Indiana Department of Health by developing the adult tobacco questionnaire and providing survey data analysis.

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Using data to identify health equity priorities in a statewide needs assessment

PDA used mapping and key informant interviews to identify populations being missed by a state nutrition program

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Using principles-focused evaluation to embed health equity in an initiative

PDA engaged program staff and community partners in revising and assessing program principles that reflect health equity processes and outcomes.

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Evaluation to inform best practices for active transportation planning

PDA conducted a content analysis of transportation planning documents to support the implementation of active transportation components in local and regional planning processes.

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Using principles-focused evaluation with a complex, multi-grantee initiative

PDA used a principles-focused evaluation framework to guide our evaluation of a statewide initiative to prevent chronic disease.

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Using responsive evaluation to provide a coalition with actionable insights

PDA's responsive evaluation and data visualization techniques provided useful reports to Ohio’s Comprehensive Cancer Control Program.

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Facilitating learning for a health equity-focused community grant program

PDA's evaluation helped the Hawai'i Community Foundation share successes and opportunities in serving priority populations.

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Illuminating key facilitators and challenges in health systems change

PDA's evaluation helped health systems describe facilitators and challenges in identifying tobacco users and connecting them to treatment.

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Contributing to education research through survey and statistical support

PDA supported geoscience education researchers by administering a survey to over 10,000 instructors and providing survey design and statistical support.

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Assessing medication therapies with quantitative analysis

PDA conducted a quantitative analysis of clinical trial data to assess the efficacy of two medications when the first treatment failed.

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Monitoring delivery and birth outcomes in rural areas

PDA analyzed medical chart review data for family medicine clinicians to assess delivery and birth outcomes in rural Minnesota.

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A secure data system to inform program decisions in Florida

PDA's software development team built and manages a web-based application for Florida's multi-site tobacco cessation program.

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Helping schools improve culture through advanced surveys and automated reporting

PDA’s custom-built survey administration and automated reporting engine helps bring an anti-bullying program to American schools.

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Improving data quality through a custom data collection application

PDA's custom-built web application streamlined the data collection process and allowed for real-time data monitoring of Hawai‘i’s in-person tobacco cessation services.

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A custom reporting solution for tracking school outcomes

PDA’s custom-built data repository and custom reporting application substantially reduced the effort required for annual reporting.

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A secure web reporting solution for the MN Quitline Network

PDA developed a simple and secure web reporting application that has been used for over a decade – allowing customized reporting of a fax referral system.

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Helping schools improve culture through advanced surveys and automated reporting

PDA’s custom-built survey administration and automated reporting engine helps bring an anti-bullying program to American schools.

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Improving survey methodologies for cessation studies

PDA is passionate about survey methodology, constantly learning and applying new methods to yield the most accurate survey results.

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Using cognitive interviews to improve quantitative survey data

PDA used cognitive interviews to assess the functionality of survey items related to second-hand smoke exposure.

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Contributing to education research through survey and statistical support

PDA supported geoscience education researchers by administering a survey to over 10,000 instructors and providing survey design and statistical support.

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